Implementing Our Process

The Aletheian process helps you to transform your company into one where people are engaged, effortlessly effective and synchronised with each other.  A company where everyone pulls in the same direction to achieve great results.  A company that deals with crises and challenges with ease.  A company that is authentic and true to its purpose.  You can achieve this by making small changes that have a big impact. 

We do this via a three step process:

  1. Diagnosis
  2. Determining the Desired Outcome
  3. Designing and Implementing a Programme for Change

Stage 1:   Diagnosis

The first step is to find out what sort of organisation your company is.  How do people habitually do things?  How do you make decisions?  How do you communicate, internally and externally? What is important to people?

When we work with clients, this is quite a nuanced process.   However as a quick guide and a useful tool for self-diagnosis, we divide companies into four different archetypes.  Most companies fit one of these.   To help you to decide which archetype your company might fit,  we have prepared a 10 question quiz which is intended as a quick, fun and simple diagnostic tool.   

One of the interesting insights from this process is looking at which archetypes your company doesn’t fit.   While it often seems obvious that there is only one right way of doing something, it can be eye-opening to see that other companies do things differently.   

You can take the quiz by clicking here or hitting the button to the right.

Stage 2:  Determining the Desired Outcome

What sort of company should your company be?   What sort of culture should it have?   How should it make decisions?  What approach should it take to employees and customers?   How should it organise itself?   What priorities should it have?

The best form for your company is the one that best enables it to follow its strategy and meet its objectives.  This not only aligns your operations and the way that people naturally behave within your company with what you are trying to achieve.  It also means that your company is much more authentic – it does things with honest intent to meet a clear goal rather than doing things for the sake of appearance or because it seems like the right thing to do.

If you look at our module here (or click the button below) you can think about how each archetype would suit your own company’s objectives.  You can try on different corporate characters, and think about how things would work if your company naturally operated in this way or that way.  Which one would not work for you at all?  Which one would make it easiest to achieve your goals and objectives?   That is the archetype that you should model your company on.

Stage 3:  Designing and Implementing a Programme for Change


Look at our module here (or click the button below) to see the six key areas where we look to make changes when we help you to transform the character of your organisation.   You can try making changes to these areas yourself.   Remember that making small changes in these areas can often have a big impact, potentially changing the whole company’s mindset or approach to certain aspects of your business.   

Aletheian Advisors