This quiz is a bit of fun with a serious purpose.  It’s not 100% accurate, of course, but it should give you some insights into what sort of organisation your company is.   We split companies into four types that we call Archetypes.   Once you have an idea of how your company operates and what sort of Archetype it fits you can move on to Stage 2.  At this stage you can decide whether that archetype is the best one to achieve your company’s strategy and objectives.   Enjoy the quiz.

1 / 10

If an employee breaks the rules, what excuse is most likely to get them forgiven?

2 / 10

If a new customer makes a difficult request, what is your reaction?

3 / 10

What is most likely to get praise, a promotion or a bonus in your company?

4 / 10

What is the key investment needed to grow your company to the next level?

5 / 10

Who, out of the following, is the most powerful/influential figure in your company [If the CEO plays several of these roles, choose the one that is most important to the CEO]?

6 / 10

Who are your most valuable employees?

7 / 10

What information does your management team always ask for before making an important decision?

8 / 10

If you are hiring a new junior employee who you hope will learn the business and will go on to make a big contribution to the company in the future, which candidate would you be most impressed by?

9 / 10

Who is the ideal person to lead your business?

10 / 10

What key metric is the most important for your Management Team – the thing they are obsessed with?


Aletheian Advisors